Aunt Mary's Memoirs, Chapter 2, XVIII
My sister, Rose, married John Ryan in January, 1938. We were living in Baltimore at the time and drove up early in the morning, leaving our five children at Grandmother Renz's while we attended the wedding.
Joe married Betty Knox of Germantown in September, 1940, and the following year, Edmond and Frances Kearns were married in West Philadelphia. November, 1942, Frank and Claire Spratt were married at Holy Cross Church, Mount Airy. Claire had always been a family friend and was a classmate of Rose's.
Betty had spent some time in the Army Nurse Corps in England during World War II, then returned to hospital duty in Washington, D.C. Here she met Ed Hitt from Alexandria, Virginia and they married in May, 1946 and made their home in Rockville, Maryland.
All the family were married and the Byrne Estate was sold to the City of Philadelphia for the purpose of building an incinerator. Final settlement was made in 1956.
End of Chapter Two
(Note: There is no Chapter Three; Aunt Mary's narrative ends here.)