Judy: Misc. 9
Foods Allowed (Cont'd)
Fats: Butter, Oleomargarine, cooking oils and fats, lard, margarine, French dressing. Mayonnaise in limited quantities.
Fruit: All except dried fruits as follows: dates (3), prunes (2), raisins (1 tbsp.). Include 1 citrus fruit daily.
Meat, Fish and Fowl: 4 to 6 oz. daily of beef, ham, lamb, pork, veal, chicken, duck, turkey, bluefish, cod, haddock, halibut, scallops, shad, swordfish, canned tuna, frankfurter, cold cuts, bacon, sausage.
Milk: 1/2 cup daily.
Soups: Broth of allowed meats, consomme, vegetable, cream soups allowed milk.
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