Judy: Part IV
1 A.M. to 9 A.M. - Sleeping and turning
A. Once ready for sleep, we remove the wedge pillow and I am turned to my left side, using the huck drawsheet to position my hips comfortable and foam pillows behind my back, between my knees and under my head.
1. Although the normal practice dictates turning ever two hours, I have found through experience and the fact that I am using this Alternating Pressure Pad, that I can safely tolerate approximately three hours per side.
2. At the proper time, remove pillows and again using the huck drawsheet, turn to my back.
3. Later, final turn to the right side using pillows as before.
4. Return to back to begin the morning's work.
B. GOOD MORNING! As you can see, my care has spanned the full twenty-four hours of the day, but there is no question that I have benefitted from this routine.
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