Judy: II, h.
g. Inexpensive book holders, which prop a book open on a table for easy reading, can be found in variety or stationary stores.
1). "Books-by-Mail" is a state funded program made available to shut-ins, through which homebound persons can order library books and have them delivered by mail. Books arrive accompanied by a pre-addressed return label and stamps for return postage. A "patient" can be declared eligible by any doctor, visiting nurse, therapist, home-health-aide, etc. Also made available through local libraries are record and tape libraries. Although I do not use these myself, I understand they are a very enjoyable way of "reading" a book. A record player for listening to these in provided by the Society for the Blind as a service for the visually handicapped.
2). Also available are filmed libraries, which project pre-filmed books onto a wall or ceiling for direct reading. Pages are turned forward or backward by pushing a button. Projector and films are supplied on indefinite loan through local libraries and the titles cover a wide range of topics.
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