Domino Lane

Memories of rural life on a Pennsylvania farm in the early years of the 20th century. Although the topic is different, I've added (in 2009), my cousin's absorbing paper, "The Handicapped At Home." REMEMBER: To start at the beginning, you must click on the June 2006 section of the archives, go to the June 25th entry, then "scroll up" from there.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Judy: II, i.

B. As with the morning program and governed by it, my afternoon also follows two basic patterns:
1. Work Day
a. Once up and able to function slightly more on my own, I can brush my own teeth, feed myself lunch and begin to drink the first of my five large containers of fluid. (Capacity for this quantity of fluid - about five quarts daily - comes from long practice and is not recommended for beginners.)
b. Later, strapped securely into my wheelchair, I am ready to get into my special car which is a Checker Cab converted to include:
1). Extra wide doors which open 180 degrees.
2). Portable ramps for getting into and out of the car.
3). A raised roof to accommodate my wheelchair while I am still sitting in it.
4). Wheel wells in the floor into which the chair wheels are firmly secured.
5). A head rest attached to the back of the wheelchair, completes the transportation picture.

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