Domino Lane

Memories of rural life on a Pennsylvania farm in the early years of the 20th century. Although the topic is different, I've added (in 2009), my cousin's absorbing paper, "The Handicapped At Home." REMEMBER: To start at the beginning, you must click on the June 2006 section of the archives, go to the June 25th entry, then "scroll up" from there.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Aunt Mary's Memoirs: XX

I can remember going with Jim after confession on a Saturday afternoon to the library on Green Lane. After going over many books and making our selections we came out into the late autumn afternoon or evening air and found it quite dark, which meant a long walk home through the woods and long lanes with the expectation of goblins lurking behind every tree. We kept up a continuous conversation all the way just to boost our courage. How welcome the lights in the kitchen looked as we came in sight of the house. After a good warm supper which Mother had kept waiting for us, we sat down to enjoy the new adventures in the books we had chosen...Deerslayer, Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn...


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