Domino Lane

Memories of rural life on a Pennsylvania farm in the early years of the 20th century. Although the topic is different, I've added (in 2009), my cousin's absorbing paper, "The Handicapped At Home." REMEMBER: To start at the beginning, you must click on the June 2006 section of the archives, go to the June 25th entry, then "scroll up" from there.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Sonya and Robert

In September of 1962, Sonya married Robert Driscoll and moved to some place in Connecticut. The big house was then rented out to another tenant for several years until Sonya and Robert came home again. They had been living in Des Moines, Iowa, where Robert had been studying in medical school. By that time, they had two children, Carroll and Robert, Jr.
Robert continued his studies by doing his internship at several hospitals in different parts of the country. He then went on to become a surgeon and started his work at Surburban General Hospital.


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