After Salfordville
When we moved from Salfordville, we planned to come back later and we rented out the farm, but when we changed our minds we sold it for slightly more than we had paid for it. That paid for the improvements we had made. I can see now that we should have held on to it, but that is just another of the mistakes that we usually made, as it would have doubled in price very quickly.
This whole story probably sounds like a confession of incompetence and continued bad luck, but we did have some happy and entertaining times. One of the acquaintances that we made in those years at Salfordville was the Haney family, who lived on a farm on the other side of Lederach, and we visited each other many times even after we moved to Norristown. The parents and grandmother are now dead but we still keep in touch with the others. They lived in the same parish as we did and that is the same St. Mary's Church where we now live over forty years later. The parish at the time had only forty families and now it has over a thousand.
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