Domino Lane

Memories of rural life on a Pennsylvania farm in the early years of the 20th century. Although the topic is different, I've added (in 2009), my cousin's absorbing paper, "The Handicapped At Home." REMEMBER: To start at the beginning, you must click on the June 2006 section of the archives, go to the June 25th entry, then "scroll up" from there.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Judy 1, f.

8. Once finally out of bed, I sit on the flotation pad in a motorized wheelchair, which comes with its own battery charger - or - we have found a thick cushioned, outdoor type chaise lounge to be a comfortable alternative. This lends itself to being towed throughout the house or outdoors Incorporated in the lounge is a padded footboard to support my feet in an upright and flat position. Seated as usual on my flotation pad, I can relax snugly and work or read easily at a table which my father made to fit over the lounge. (When using this chaise, an additional wedge of foam rubber is abutted to the flotation pad to prevent shearing my skin.)
9. All of the preceding equipment, as well as any necessary supplies (extra pillows, sweaters, shoes, lingerie, shampoo, etc.) are contained within a combination laundry-storage room adjacent to my bedroom. We solved the problem of storage space by using shelves concealed behind white window shades, rather than expensive, cumbersome cabinets. My experience has been that a well organized storage space allows a new person to be introduced to our routine without undue confusion. This organization also extends to a file cabinet which contains most of my personal effects and projects, thus allowing me to direct someone else to locate any item easily.
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