Judy: 1, d.
7. Every third or fourth morning includes a trip into my bath tub in lieu of the bed bath. My father installed a small tub i my bedroom on an elevated platform. (See Appendix I, drawing 1). This enables the legs of the Hoyer Lifter, which I use to transfer from the bed into the tub, to glide smoothly under the tub allowing me to be lowered safely into it. (For safety and security, this should be a two person operation.) For this trip, I use a second Moyer sling, which we keep separate just for splashing days. Included in the tub are several extra features for both safety and comfort:
a. A grab bar on the wall, well within the reach of my are - and no-skid strips on the bottom of the tub (mine are adhesive backed rubber flowers), I feel are very necessary.
b. In place of the standard shower head, we ordered from Sear's catalogue an adjustable, hand-held shower head with a five foot long metal hose. This turns and sitting bath and shampoo into a shower and works just beautifully.
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