Domino Lane

Memories of rural life on a Pennsylvania farm in the early years of the 20th century. Although the topic is different, I've added (in 2009), my cousin's absorbing paper, "The Handicapped At Home." REMEMBER: To start at the beginning, you must click on the June 2006 section of the archives, go to the June 25th entry, then "scroll up" from there.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Aunt Mary's Memoirs: IX

Mother's sense of humor was always present--that pleasant Irish acceptance of everyday happenings and the gift to see the funny side. What a comfort to have such a wise counselor. Her conversation was bright and she knew how to be friendly, making people feel at ease. Her life was dedicated to her husband and children. Never did she miss church on Sundays or holy days, often leaving home in the dark of early morning, trudging through deep snow to get to first Mass. Over the years, I have had people who remembered Mother with fondness say she was a saint. She herself would have laughed at this exaggeration but she was truly a warm and God-fearing gentle woman.


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