Upper House and Lower House
The upper house was really a double house and Aunt Rose lived most of the summer time in the lower half. The upper half was never occupied that I can remember. Mom kept a bed in the front room downstairs and Joe and I often slept there probably because our lower house was crowded after Tom came home from his shift in the navy at the end of the first World War. Soon after that Aunt Rose died and it was decided that we could combine the two houses and move in. I think that Jim and Joe did most of the work of renovating. The kitchen and dining room of the lower half were combined as well as the dining and living rooms of the upper half. Two doors were broken through on the first floor and one on the second. The wooden kitchen of the upper half was torn off. This gave us much more space, but Ed and I still had to sleep together on the third floor and Mike had the other room up there.
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