Swollen Glands and Horsepower
Sometime later a swelling developed on my neck just below my right ear. Doctor Custer called it swollen glands, and came to the house a couple of times to cut and remove them. It must have hurt me because I recall being very frightened when he made subsequent calls. Oh yes, doctors made house calls in those days. There was a recurrence later when I was in first grade. A lump in front of my right ear. Mary took me to the doctor's office after school and he opened it up and scraped it out with what appeared to be a tiny spoon. I have never had that problem since.
Joe and I used to play in an old piece of farm machinery that was rusting out in the barnyard that was behind the barn. It was called the horsepower and was a treadmill where a horse furnished the belt power to operate a threshing machine, a circular saw or any other machine that required belt power. I don't think it was ever used on the Domino Lane farm, but it was fun to play in.
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